Sunday, December 6, 2009

Images and Text for McDonalds Bathrooms

Both images and text have long been used together in order to create a desired effect, especially for political or social reasons. There is something that happens in our brains when we see plain text, as opposed to seeing text and an IMAGE. Why are we more inclined to read text if there is an image involved? And what does that say about our society?
Most adbusting is done purely with images, such as on billboards and posters. I chose to utilize a relatively long text on top of, or next to, an ordinary image that I found on Goggle Images. Half are in Spanish, half in English (mimicking the fact that all text in McDonald's are in both languages). I posted them in bathroom stalls, thinking that would be the place where they would stay up the longest.
The aim of this project is simple - to raise awareness. It doesn't matter if I manage to do something as little as make a mother think twice before ordering her toddler a Happy Meal or plant an idea in an employee's head. Some revolutions start small.


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